Agenda and Meeting Minutes - 27.01.2021
- Apologies for absence
- Notes of the last meeting held on 14th October 2020 to be approved as the minutes
- Chairman’s report
- Clerk’s report
- Financial report
- Public forum – Matters raised by parishioners
- Defibrillator report
- Meadow View signage
- Appointment of website administrator
- Date of next meeting (AGM April)
Members of the public wishing to attend in order to raise issues relating to the village or the agenda are asked to advise the parish clerk of the topic of concern prior to the meeting and they will be sent an invitation to attend.
Wednesday 27th January 2021, 7.30pm
In attendance: Cllr. G. Stewart (chair), Cllr. A Simpson, Cllr. J. Gladman, Cllr D. Gilmour, Cllr. S Olivant, & P. Dyas (clerk).
1. Apologies Cllr. K. Robson. 2. Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the previous meeting of 14th October were reviewed and signed off as accurate, following one amendment as detailed below:
(Amendment to above) Clarification regarding where the point of adoption of Meadow Lane ends is part of ongoing discussions with the council and a site meeting is planned. 3. Chairman’s Report The Chairman advised that thankfully there had been few cases of COVID-19 within the village but the support system is still in place to help anyone who has to self-isolate. There have been very few activities within the village due to the COVID-19 situation but there were Christmas Carols in December, a Santa visit, which will be repeated in 2021 and we have a new village website, thanks to the work of Fay Moon. A footpath closure in the vicinity of Benniworth Haven looked ambiguous and so the Chairman had contacted Christopher Heneage who advised that it was a formal, administration procedure as the path had been closed for some time. Judith Johnson had advised that the asbestos and rubbish dumped in the Caistor High Street layby had been cleared away by the Council; Mrs Johnson will monitor any future problems. 4. Clerk’s Report The Clerk reported that the Council has offered the services of a “Community Gang” to carry out work within the village in February/March (this may be delayed due to COVID-19 restrictions); they have been asked to look at several pot holes and drainage problems on Church Lane. A meeting to investigate the drainage issues in Church Lane and Meadow Lane will be organised once the lockdown is lifted. The poor drainage and pot holes are a tandem issue. Action - Clerk The Council had been contacted to request permission to tidy the area around the village pond; they have reported back that we must use approved contractors to do this work. The clerk had spoken to one of the approved contractors to assess the likely cost involved, but they were not interested in undertaking this type of work. A site meeting with the Council will be organised when allowed; when they see the site and understand the proposed work, they may be willing to let village volunteers proceed with this project. Action - Clerk All salt bins have been replenished by the Council; the damaged bin on Church Lane has been reported and will be replaced when the Council have time. Action - Clerk The Village Noticeboard is nearly complete; the clerk applied for a license to position it next to the Silver Street Post Box, however, this has been refused as they advise it would be too dangerous for people to read notices so close to the road, they would like it to be positioned along Silver Street – a site meeting to be organised when allowed. Messrs Stewart, Robson and Dyas to meet the Council. Action - Clerk 5. Financial Report Cllr. S Olivant had circulated a copy of the latest report. The Precept has been set at the same amount as last year £1,500. 6. Public Forum – Matters raised by parishioners In attendance ; Rev. Cilla Smith, A. South, Catherine Livesey-Warne, Jenny.
Unfortunately, St Julian’s building has many issues and its survival will be down to the village community; the main problems are the lack of a water supply, a roof overhaul and the need for re-wiring. If the building could be improved it would be able to act as our village hall, hosting various gatherings as well as church services. The Church Committee will be consulting with everyone in the village when COVID-19 legislation allows.
7. Defibrillator report Cllr. Gilmour advised that the battery and pads require replacing every 2 years – this has just been done at a cost of £55 plus VAT. The village is half way through an 8-year warranty. Cllr. Gilmour was thanked for checking the defibrillator every month. 8. Meadow View Signage Cllr. Gladman has had contact with several departments at ELDC to clarify where the new signs should be sited; they need to be 600mm from the edge of a tarmac road. Cllr. Gladman proposed and Cllr. Simpson seconded that we purchase 3 signs, one either side of the road as near to the crossroads as possible and a double arrow sign underneath the Meadow Lane sign – Cllr Gladman to discuss with Mr & Mrs Brewitt. The Panton Road sign is to be removed. Action - Cllr Gladman 9. Website Fay Moon updated the Council on the website improvements; Rev. Smith and Ann South were asked to provide some content for the Church page, Catherine Livesey-Warne to provide information on local schools and pre-schools; the list of local businesses needs updating and someone to check that their website links are still correct; (permission will have to be gained from all third parties to use links to their sites). Fay to provide a list of information still required to the Chairman. Date of next meeting The next meeting will be the AGM in April, preceded by a public meeting. It is hoped that this will be a meeting in the church, if COVID-19 allows and thus the clerk will share date options nearer the time. Meeting closed at 9pm |
Prepared by
Phil Dyas |
Clerk |
Signed by
Gill Stewart |
Chairperson |