Agenda and Meeting Minutes - 14.10.2020
- Apologies
- Notes of the last meeting held on 5th February 2020 to be approved as the minutes
- Clerks report
- Matters raised by parishioners
- PC website
- Meadow View signage
- Village pond
- Village orchard
- Finance report
- Date of next meeting
Due to Covid regulations there will NOT be a public forum at this meeting, but if anyone would like to comment on any of the agenda items or raise any village issues please advise the clerk prior to the meeting and these will be raised on your behalf in the meeting
Agenda Prepared by Parish Chairman
14th October 2020
In attendance: Cllr. G. Stewart (chair), Cllr. A Simpson, Cllr. J. Gladman, Cllr D. Gilmour, P. Dyas (clerk).
1. Apologies Cllr. S. Olivant & Cllr. K. Robson. 2. Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the previous meeting of 5th February were reviewed and signed off as accurate on the proposal of Cllr. J Gladman and seconded by Cllr. A Simpson. 3. Clerk’s Report The clerk provided updates on the following outstanding and ongoing matters:
4. Matters raised by parishioners
5. Covid Review/Emergency Plan The Chairman asked if anyone within the village had not been able to access help during the recent Lockdown; councillors present were not aware of any problems. Cllr. Gilmour agreed to approach all co-ordinators to confirm that they would be available in the event of another Lockdown being imposed - Action Cllr Gilmour 6. PC Website ELDC have advised that they are de-commissioning the current website format hence forcing change. There are 3 options: to produce our own village website, use the new ELDC site or have no village website. Cllr. Simpson gave the background to the existing system and reported that Fay Moon has volunteered to run a new site. All Cllrs. to review the current site and suggest improvements for inclusion on the new system by 31st October. The new ELDC format will be used - Action ALL 7. Meadow View Signage It was agreed to purchase three road signs to serve the Meadow View area. The sign at the crossroads to read: Meadow View leading to Meadow Lane; this was proposed by Cllr. Simpson and seconded by Cllr. Gladman, who was thanked for her work on this issue - Action Cllr Gladman 8. Village Pond Cllr Gladman agreed to approach Chris Raynor to produce a basic design for the village pond area for discussion with ELDC for their approval - Action Cllr Gladman 9. Village Orchard ELDC Conservation Department have advised that they can supply 5 fruit trees; the village can determine where they are planted. A volunteer is required for their planting and maintenance. One objection to the planting of more trees on the village green has been received from a resident. It was agreed to seek the opinion of residents on this topic and at the same time request views on the website and pond. Details of a Zoom meeting will be posted on the village FB page, WhatsApp group and posters. Cllr. Simpson to coordinate - - Action Cllr Simpson 10. Finance Report Cllr. S Olivant had forwarded an up to date financial report which showed a healthy balance for the planned expenditure. At the conclusion of the meeting the matter of the PC providing a Christmas tree to be sited in the churchyard was discussed and agreed. Date of next meeting This will be a Zoom open meeting for everyone in the village to discuss the website, pond and orchard on Saturday 31st October at 2pm. Meeting closed at 9pm