Agenda and Meeting Minutes - 12.10.2017
Meeting of Benniworth Parish Council will meet at Skirbeck Farm
on Thursday 12th October 2017 at 7:30pm.
- Public 10 minutes
- Present/ Apologies
- Minutes of previous meeting
- Co-opt New Councillor
- Matters arising
- Defibrilator
- Lives Course
- Skip
- Risk Assessment Officer
- Planning Motor Track
- Financial statement
- Correspondence Cluster Meetings.
- Horncastle 7th Nov 17:00
- Louth 16th Nov 17:00
- Tennyson Close Grass Area
- Boundary Trees etc.
- Date of next meeting
Minutes of the Benniworth Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 12th October 2017
Present - Cllr Keith Olivant, Chair, Cllr Christine Portas, Cllr Gill Stewart, Cllr Chris Raynor, Vice Chair, Cllr Fay Moon, Cllr Pat Walker.
Apologies - Cllr Sue Olivant
Public 10 minutes.
During the Public 10 minutes, the subject of Dog Fouling was again Discussed, especially on the Green Lane at the end of Silver Street. Should we produce a flyer and post through every door in Benniworth? It would not catch all dog walkers but it might help. Could we also have notices posted along the Green Lane advising what Fines can be levied.
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 13th July 2017 were read by Mrs Kathleen Willoughby. It was noted that some minor details had been omitted, but Cllr Fay Moon read these out, and we were able to move on.
We had advertised for a Vacancy for a Parish Councillor. One person responded to the advertisement, and Paul Willoughby was duly co-opted. Nominated by Cllr Fay Moon, Seconded by Cllr Gill Stewart. We also at this meeting asked a MOP if she could consider taking on the role of Clerk. It would give her experience in Public Office and she has a few weeks to decide.
Matters Arising
The Defibrulator is in situ, we just need to find out about the code needed to activate it as and when. One defib course has taken place, another is proposed for next year.
The Skip on Panton Road was very useful, but Cllr Raynor mentioned that people are not particular when throwing large items in the skip. Space is wasted and the Chairman several time flattened the contents with a digger.
Risk Assessment Officer - We need to appoint a Risk Assessment Officer. Question arose, does this have to be a Parish Councillor, or can we ask a member of the Public. We may find someone with experience already. Cllr Chris Raynor will find out.
Moto Cross Track Planning - READ ONLY item.
ELDC’s Planning Decision was made in early September, between our July and October Meetings. This just needs to be recorded, and no further action needs to be taken.
Financial Statement - Mrs Kathleen Willoughby will report on this.
Correspondence - Cluster Meetings are being arranged in Louth and Horncastle. Cllrs Chris Raynor and Fay Moon expressed an interest, we await more information.
Tennyson Close Grassed Field - One member of the Village had complained about the hedges in the field. They are too high, and the trees need lopping, in her opinion. Cllr Chris Raynor will follow up on this.
*MOP = Member of the Public
The meeting closed at 9.00 pm.
The next meeting will be on 18th January 2018