Agenda and Meeting Minutes- 10.01.2019
To be held on Thursday 10th January 2019
St Julian’s Church, Church Lane - 7:30pm
1. Apologies
2. Notes of the last meeting held on Thursday 4th October to be approved as the minutes
3. Action Plan meeting held on 20th December
4. Additional village notice board
5. Village skip
6. Phone box interior lighting
7. Parish Council vacancies
8. May 2019 elections
9. Finances
Next meeting to be held on Thursday 7th March 2019 at St Julian’s Church
Agenda Prepared by Parish Chairman
Thursday 10th January 2019 7.30 pm - Held at St Julian’s Church
45. Attended by: Cllrs Fay Moon (Chairman), Gill Stewart (Vice Chairman), Hannah Walker, Chris Raynor, Steve Tyerman David Gilmour, Keith Robson.
46. Apologies: Cllrs Sue Olivant, Paul Willoughby.
47. Public 10 Minutes: The following matters were raised:
- Parish Council thanked by A Campbell (Church warden) for making use of the Church for meetings. Request made for help deciding future use of the Church and potentially assisting with fund-raising ideas and gaining village opinion to promote the use of the location as a community facility. Premises require significant work to bring up to standard and make useable. Stage 1 electrical and other works in region of £6,300. Further costs dependant upon use, current estimate for Stage 2 £3,500. Church is being approached to investigate other funding sources. Action: To discuss how to help at subsequent Parish Council meeting.
- Flyers presented regarding Neighbourhood Watch and Oil Club information. Action: To be put on village notice board.
48. Minutes of Meeting on Thursday 4th October 2018 were approved and signed.
49. Minutes of Extraordinary Meeting on Thursday 29th November 2018 were approved and signed.
50. Action Plan Meeting Minutes held on Thursday 20th December 2018 were read out and the following points noted:
- Gritter - Cllr Willoughby not yet obtained a valuation for this as has been unable to take photos. Gritter currently located at Mr Keith Olivants property. Cllr Willoughby and Cllr Robson to contact Mr Olivant further to obtain photos to allow valuation. Cllr Moon to contact Cllr Fry for advice given current difficulties gaining access to Gritter. Action: Cllrs Willoughby, Robson and Moon
- Salt - It is understood from a resident that Mr Keith Olivant has approached and obtained the village allocation of winter salt. Cllr Moon contacted LCC for verification, they have no record of the Parish Council raising a request for salt. LCC are to investigate, it is accepted that the village has not officially received it’s salt allocation. Without a Gritter, the village has no need for additional salt, as the council refill the grit bins independently. No action required.
- Wording of plaque for bench in recognition of Cllr Keith Olivants long service. Wording presented and approved during the meeting on 10th January 2019. Action: Cllr Olivant to order plaque.
- Grit bins. Cllr Moon had contacted LCC. LCC thought grit bin works had been completed in December. This was not correct. LCC to investigate and complete. LCC changed order to replace damaged bin near Needhams rather than site new bin at Spring Bottom, as there is already one there. “Click’em Hill” bin still due. Action: LCC only. Cllr Moon to check and follow up in 1 month if required.
- Cllr Moon to obtain update from Cllr Willoughby regarding dog poo bins on Silver Street. Cllr Robson and his wife thanked for canvassing opinion on the Street regarding location of the poo bins. Parish Council is unable to take any action against specific dog owners who may allow pets to roam free and foul highway, as this is a civil matter. Action: Cllr Robson to contact Highways to determine where public highway ends on Silver Street, to aid decision regarding location. Action: Add to Agenda for Action Plan Meeting to review situation and relevant signage.
- Change of name for Click’em Hill. Discussed with Gladmans. Nothing to report from them, they are happy for change to proceed. Action: Cllr Moon to put in name change application.
- Temporary clerk role. Monitoring Officer has been informed Cllr Tyerman temporarily covering this role. He can still vote on Parish Council matters. Cllr Tyerman has reviewed admin box files. Points to note as item 58 below.
51. Broadband: Update obtained by Cllr Moon from Jayne Dyas. They have contacted local MP who advised fibre broadband went live 4th January 2019. Action: Jayne to add notification to village Facebook to share news.
52. Additional Village Notice Board: Cllr Tyerman to obtain written quote, not requested in time for meeting. Vote to purchase or not deferred to next meeting, after Cllr Tyerman obtains quote. Action: Cllr Tyerman obtain quote.
53. Skip: Voted to site at Spring Bottom Farm, off public highway due to licensing restrictions. Action: Cllr Willoughby to arrange.
54. Phone box interior light: During install of Defib in phone box, electrician noted interior light could be reconnected if required. Action: Cllrs Gilmour and Robson to investigate and report to next Action Plan Meeting.
55. Vacancy: A draft leaflet has been circulated by Cllr Olivant for the Parish Council Clerk vacancy. Approved subject to inclusion of note that training is available. To be advertised in paper and on LALC website. Action: Cllr Olivant to put in paper. Cllr Tyerman to check admin box for LALC log in.
56. May 2019 Elections: Cllr Olivant noted in her report that precept suggested at £1,500 as previous year. However election costs need to be considered in addition to this. It was understood that an election vote is only required if more than 8 people stand for election. Action: Cllr Raynor to investigate election costs/requirements.
57. Finances: Cllr Olivant provided a financial report, read out by Cllr Raynor in her absence. Available funds £3,239.76. It was noted that the available balance included a grant of £1,400.00 for office equipment that will shortly be spent. Cllr Olivant provided sample quotes for laptop and printer for Parish Council. Cllr Moon to investigate. Cllr Moon to be reimbursed approximately £20 for laminator, approved by remaining Cllrs.
Bank forms required to change signatories - Produced by Cllr Tyerman from Admin box, to be fully completed and sent to bank. Cllr Tyerman to be added as new signatory.
Unanimous agreement to pay £25 to St Julians for use of Church on 10th January, Cllr Stewart declared an interest in Church business and did not vote.
Items paid since last meeting: St Julians £100, grass cutting. LALC £27.50, training. LALC £30, to replace cancelled cheque. B Knight & Son, village bench.
Action: Cllr Tyerman to arrange completion of bank forms. Cllr Moon to investigate laptop options. Cllr Olivant to arrange payment of £25 to St Julians and payment to Cllr Moon for laminator. Agenda item for next meeting to discuss future contributions to St Julians if Parish Council meetings continue at the Church.
58. Review of Clerk admin boxes undertaken by Cllr Tyerman. Items noted: Bank mandate, as point 57. Standing orders file, a review of this is required. Will be undertaken by Cllrs Raynor, Stewart and Walker. Action: Cllr Tyerman, bank form. Cllrs Raynor, Stewart & Walker review of operating procedures file.
59. The Meeting Closed at 9.00pm. The date for the next Meeting is Wednesday 6th March, 7.30pm. Location: St Julian’s Church.