Meeting Minutes - 11.05.2017

The Meeting of Benniworth Parish Council was held on Thursday 11th May, 2017 at Skirbeck Farm at 7.30 p.m.




Cllr Olivant (Chairman) explained the AGM would be postponed for now.

The Chairman introduced PC Richard Precious Community Beat Officer for our area. PC Richard Precious starting by saying he is based at Holton le Clay an  his beat covered 200 square miles and the police force are thin on the ground.  There have been 19 incidents in this area up to date nothing serious. The most crime committed is breaking into sheds and garages for mowers, strimmers etc. Quad bikes and landrovers for parts are also desirable. He suggested to prevent crime CCTV cameras could be fitted they are not too expensive £300 for two cameras also notices stating CCTV is in operation would be a preventative. He urged people to join Lincs Alert messaging system, It is free to register and you will receive alerts by e-mails.  He advised anyone seeing anything suspicious you can ring 101 and report however trivial. This could help the police build a picture of possible crimes. He left registration forms.

Public 10 minutes : MOP asked if the motocross could be brought up in the public 10 minutes has this was not an Agenda item. It can be discussed. MOP produced a letter that had been posted to residents of Donington on Bain about this meeting. It was thought that the Clerk of Donington on Bain had done this. MOP expressed that there is a bike track at Cadwell Park and you hear the noise from that and nobody complains about that and more noise is made from lawn mowers. The Clerk read out an e-mail from Michelle Walker Case Officer planning for the proposed Benniworth Bike Track stating the plans were submitted in on 29th March but the application needed an Environmental Statement. 6th April Michelle Walker wrote to the agent requesting an ES which is now submitted and will be scanned on the web-site. As the ES was not submitted with the application the applicant is responsible for advertising the planning application with ES. Once advertising has been done the Council will display notices at the site and get in contact with all relevant residents, Parish Councils and a new deadline will be given. Following the receipt of comments the Council may need to go back to the agent and applicant for further information and a further consultation may be needed.  All comments received will be taken into account before a decision is made. She explained that the delay has been one of purely procedure and she is hopeful that re-consultation letters will be sent out next week and with display notices for the site subject to the newspaper advert.  Cllr Raynor  advised she had met with the Case Manager the previous day and all residents that made comments with their contact information will receive letters. Cllr Raynor also advised that anyone can contact ELDC for an update.

Apologies:  were received from Councillor S. Olivant.

Present: Councillors K. Olivant, C. Raynor, C Portas, G. Stewart. P. Walker, F Moon,  K. Willoughby (Clerk). 10 members of the public.

Minutes: from the January meeting after been altered were signed. The Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting and these were signed as a true and correct record.

Matters Arising:

  1. Defibrillator The Chairman informed the meeting that the the defibrillator is   now ready for use. Clerk had received a form to register the defibrillator. A course has yet to be arranged with LIVES when this is arranged it was decided a leaflet drop to every house in the village advertising the course. It was noted that a course is to be held on CPR at the Heneage Arms Hainton. It has not yet been confirmed what is happening about the electricity supply to the defibrillator.
  2. Web-site is now up to date.
  3. Cllr K. Olivant informed the meeting that he had apologised to Councillor R. Fry. Cllr C. Raynor brought up the subject of the Chairman not knowing he was attending the last meeting. It is protocol that the Chairman is kept informed.  The Clerk to correspond with the Chairman to do the Agenda for meetings. To be circulated three days before the meeting.  An advert had been placed in the Horncastle News unbeknown to the Chairman this to be also put past him. Cllr C. Raynor stated that a lot of the procedures are in the Standing Orders which the Parish Council have not adopted yet.  She also suggested that the Clerk go on a course.
  4. Neighbourhood Watch Mr. Walker had taken over from Mr. Southgate we still possibly need two more volunteers.  Mr. S. Walker to ask his neighbour if she would be interested.
  5. Cllr K. Olivant had spoken to I. Selby about him receiving a token of appreciation. Mr. I. Selby he didn’t require anything so a letter of thanks to be sent. This was responded to by Cllr Walker saying that I. Selby had been wounded and did not want to mention names.
  6. Cllr Stewart raised the question about the plots of land for sale on the Glebe Farm estate and whether lorries had been taken into consideration. As the plots are beyond the boundary, would lorries go into the estate and where would they turn around?

Financial Statement: Savings account £207.80, Cheque account £1,441,77, giving a Total of: £1,649.57. The yearly accounts are been audited by Mr. A. Waller. Cheques were signed for Insurance and LALC membership etc. It was noted that the Clerk had not taken £50 that was passed in the minutes. She said she didn’t require any. It was stated  postage and printer cartridges were needed therefore she need s to claim.

Adopt Standing Orders:  Cllr C. Raynor informed the Council that Alex Strickland had e-mailed with a lot of alterations to the standing orders. She gave everyone a copy and everyone to read and make suggestions before the next meeting where the Standing Orders can be adopted

Correspondence:  Cllr C. Raynor suggested that all correspondence be itemized on the Agenda to give the Councillors an opportunity to look at   in case any decisions need to be made also any other business is to be omitted from the Agenda.

  1. A proposal document to introduce an order to make it an offence not to remove dog faeces from followings areas:  public road, private road which has public access, public footpath, and private footpath that has public access, and land which is open to the air and public access. It was stated this had been an offence for some years and fines have been enforced.
  2. Highways Mill Road Donington on Bain closed in November and December due to bridge maintenance. Clerk to place on notice board.
  3. Highways Feedback needed.  – This includes fault reporting
  4. All communication to Parish Councils be personalized so any follow ups can be         monitored. Two County Councillors sessions every year. A number of parish council cluster meetings to be arranged May-June and after that routinely. Highway officers attend Parish Council in a managed way and aim to respond to enquiries within 10 working days.


1.  Councillor K. Olivant had a complaint of dogs wandering on the road and barking.  Cllr G. Stewart knew her dogs had been let out and gone on the road and she had apologised to the person involved.

2. Cllr C. Raynor expressed concern over dogs barking in her area of the village nearly all day. She had been to see the residents and informed the residents this was not acceptable all the time. It was suggested to get in touch with the Dog Warden.

3.Cllr K. Olivant stated that I. Selby would be prepared to come back on the Council if Cllr G. Stewart resign. Cllr G. Stewart left the meeting as this had obviously upset her. Cllr Moon stated that it was inappropriate comment for the Chairman to make in front of all concillors and the public and he should have spoken with her in private first. Then they should have decided if it should be raised at the meeting. Cllr. Moon also stated that if  I. Selby wished to return to the Parish Council he would have to apply when the vacancy was advertised as there were at least three other people interested in the post. It would not be right or fair for him to ‘hop back in’ on his terms and conditions. This prompted a discussion around the divide in the village and it was intimated this had happened since Cllr Moon had moved to the village and joined the Parish Council.

Next meeting:  AGM Friday 26th May, 2017 at 7.30 p.m.

*MOP = Member of the Public

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