Agenda and Meeting Minutes - 03.07.2019


To be held on Wednesday 3RD July 2019


St Julian’s Church, Church Lane - 7:30pm



1. 10 minute public forum

2. Apologies

3. Minutes of last meeting to be approved

4. Co-option of Councillors

5. Chairman’s Report

6. Nomination for Chairman and Vice Chairman

7. Parish Clerk

8. Planning applications

9. LALC weekly update

10. Siting of Mr Olivant’s bench

11. Financial report

Next meeting TBC

Agenda Prepared by Parish Clerk



Benniworth Parish Council Meeting

Wednesday 3rd July 2019 St Julians Church


  1. Attended by - Councillor D. Gilmour, Councillor F. Moon, Councillor S. Olivant, Councillor K. Robson, Councillor A Simpson, Councillor G. Stewart.
  2. Apologies - received from Councillor S. Tyerman
  3. In the public meeting Mrs Ann South advised that funding may be available to parish councils for the provision of bus shelters and that a shelter for the Silver St. area had been discussed previously. It was agreed that the clerk would investigate funding opportunities further and report back at the next meeting.
  4. Mrs C. Raynor raised the matter of the village neighbourhood watch in view of recent incidents within the village and Councillor K. Robson expressed an interest in becoming involved. This matter will be added to the next meeting agenda for further discussion.
  5. Planning Applications - A letter from the planning authority regarding changes to the process by which they consult with Parish and town Councils on planning applications was reviewed. The letter requests a response from the council if they wish to continue to receive notification of ALL relevant applications including any modifications. In future all contact with Parish and Town councils will be electronic. Following discussions a vote in favour of continuing to continue to receive all notifications was unanimous. In addition, Councillor K. Robson agreed to monitor the planning portal as an additional precaution.
  6. Mrs C. Raynor raised the matter of the village neighbourhood watch in view of recent incidents within the village and Councillor K. Robson expressed an interest in becoming involved. This matter will be added to the next meeting agenda for further discussion
  7. LALC Weekly Newsletter - A typical example of the newsletter was reviewed and discussed to decide if there is sufficient interest in future editions being circulated to all councillors. It was decided that the clerk will circulate the next 4 copies of the document via email to all, following which a further decision will be taken.
  8. Complaint regarding siting of new village seat A verbal complaint has been received regarding the siting of the new bench seat erected in recognition of the service provided by former Council chairman Mr. Keith Olivant. The complaint relates specifically to if specific permission was required/sought regarding its position on council  owned land. The complainant lives in the property located closest to the site and was also not consulted prior to the seat being positioned. Councillor Moon suggested that she would consult Councillor Fry on this matter to seek further official guidance prior to proceeding.
  9. Church signage on Main Road, Church Lane junction - The council have received a quotation for a brown information sign to contain the wording “CHURCH” to be purchased and installed opposite the entrance to Church Lane on the western side of Main Road. The price of £415 was advised and following a brief discussion it was decided to proceed with this given that funds are available.
  10. AOB - Councillor Simpson raised the matter of public rights of way throughout the village and the lack of clarity regarding signage. Further information is to be gathered to permit a more detailed discussion at the next meeting.
  11. Date of next meeting Wednesday 11th September 2019 – location TBA

Meeting closed 8.30pm


Prepared by


Signed off

 Cllr Fay Moon







External grant funding for new bus shelter




Letter to advise Planning Authority of our wishes regarding planning apllications




LALC newsletter distribution




Village seat position, contact Co. Fry




Progress church sign

