Meeting Minutes - 09.03.2017

The Meeting of Benniworth Parish Council was held on

Thursday 9th March, 2017

 at Skirbeck Farm at 7.30 p.m.


Apologies :  Councillor  I.Selby who had written his resignation..

Present: Councillors K. Olivant (Chairman), S. Olivant, C. Portas, P. Walker, C. Raynor  F. Moon, G. Stewart Clerk Mrs. K. Willoughby.

Public 10 minutes: Seven members of the public were present also Cllr R. Fry .

MOP expressed thanks to neighborhood watch, neighbours and the police in her recent threatening phone call. It was noted that Benniworth need two new Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators to replace the previous co-ordinators who have moved away from the village.

Church Lane is in urgent need of repair Highways to be informed. It was brought to the Council notice that Cllr I. Selby will be leaving the village and he has been good enough to let lorries turn around in his yard and this may not be possible in the future. Cllr K. Olivant suggested that the Churchyard could be a turning point but this would need the gates widening and trees pruned back.  This would need permission of the Church. Another option is that lorries back up the lane or smaller lorries be used.

Previous minutes:  were read and not signed due to amendments. Whilst Cllr G. Stewart was putting forward her amendments, the Chairman made unprovoked, personal comments about Cllr Stewart. He was asked to apologise and did so. The minutes to be amended and signed at the next meeting. .

Matters Arising:

Glass Bank Clerk had enquired and the Council are looking at other methods of glass re-cycling so they are not in a position to provide a new site.

Cllr  K. Olivant had received the defibrillator and it was installed in the telephone box but the electrics needed to be connected. A training day to be arranged 28th March suggested. A flyer to be posted in all 85 houses to anyone that would like to attend the course.

Website:  Clerk in still in process of getting web- site up to date.

Plans T. Needham  were approved by East Lindsey.

Progress Race Track  Cllr K. Olivant and S. Olivant left the room. It was agreed the Cllr Stewart take the Chair. She introduced Cllr Richard Fry, Ward Member of Binbrook, Executive Board Member, and Portfolio Holder of Planning. He explained the delay in the application and how members of the public could put their views. Once the yellow notices were up, the public had 21 days. He was asked by Cllr C. Portas if a yellow notice could be put on the village noticeboard. He made a note of this. There was a general discussion about other methods of informing the public. It was suggested there be a leaflet drop to gather information from residents of the village. Cllr Fry was thanked for his time on this matter.                        

Correspondence received: 

  • A letter from MOP appreciating all Cllr I. Selby’s forty years

service to the village  at this point Cllr C. Raynor suggested that a gift for Cllr I. Selby for his valued work for the community. It was proposed that Cllr K. Olivant purchase a tractor ornament or plaque £30 to £50 from the Parish Council for his years of service for the parish.. . Proposed  by Cllr  G. Stewart seconded Cllr. C. Raynor.

  • Estuary TV

Financial Statement::.

Savings £207.80 Lloyds Current Account £314.67 Total £522.47

Discuss Draft of Standing Orders

A draft copy was given out to every Cllr to read. This to be looked at and adopted at the AGM. Thanks expressed to the sub committee of Councillors C. Raynor. S. Olivant, G. Stewart and Clerk for their input for this document.

Any other Business

  • Clerk asked Cllr Moon if any plants would be needed. Everything is in hand. Johnny had moved the planters in the middle of the village at the moment..
  • Cllr F. Moon to invite P.C. Richard Precious Community Beat Officer to the next meeting.
  • Chairman thanked people that had mended ruts, swept Church Lane and salted crossroads
  • The Parish Gritter had been out twice.

Next meeting Annual General Meeting on Thursday 11th May, 2017 at 7.30 p.m..