Agenda and Meeting Minutes - 11.09.2019


To be held on Wednesday 11TH September 2019


St Julian’s Church, Church Lane - 7:30pm



1. 10 minute public forum

2. Apologies

3. Minutes of last meeting to be approved

4. Siting of new village bench/seat – progress and status

5. LALC weekly newsletter – discussion on trial distribution

6. Discuss details relating to possible new bus shelter in the area of Silver St.

7. Public footpaths, bridleways and public rights of way signage.

8. Invitation from ELDC to attend a Strategy  Meeting.

9. Road sign for Click’em Hill and relocation of grit container

10. Village incident emergency plan.


Next meeting – Wednesday 27th November 2019

Agenda Prepared by Parish Clerk





Draft Minutes

Version 2

In attendance : Councillor G. Stewart (chair),  Councillor D. Gilmour,  Councillor  S. Olivant,  Councillor K. Robson,  Councillor A. Simpson,  P. Dyas (clerk)

Apologies for absence: Councillor F. Moon.                                     

Public Session:   The co-option onto the council of Jane Gladwin was proposed by Cllr. Stewart and seconded by Cllr. Gilmour. Ms. Gladwin was duly co-opted onto the council and participated in the meeting.

Mrs C. Rayner raised the topic of the Parish Council website and specifically the uploading of documents including meeting agendas and minutes. It was agreed that the clerk would liaise with Cllr. Moon and try to ensure that such information was uploaded in a timely manner.

Mrs A. South proposed a vote of thanks to those residents who provided valuable help and support to others, following the recent weather incident.

Approval of minutes of the previous meeting:   The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed off as a correct account.

Siting of new village bench /seat:        The clerk reported that retrospective permission to site the seat had been sought from ELDC highways dept. The site has been inspected by highways and no comment was raised, all application paperwork has now been received and when completed official approval will be granted. The clerk also advised councillors of the terms and conditions regarding such installations with particular attention to public liability insurance cover.

LALC Newsletter circulation to councillors :      Following the trial circulation as agreed at the previous meeting, it was unanimously decided that the content of the newsletter, whilst relevant, did not warrant  regular circulation to all. It was agreed that the clerk would review each issue and distribute any information they felt to be of interest.

Proposed new bus shelter – Silver St. area:      Due to the considerable cost of such a project, the suggestion that a modified notice board to incorporate a roof structure was discussed as a lower cost solution. Cllr. Simpson agreed to pursue this with a possible supplier and report back.  The question of need or demand  for such a shelter was also raised and it was agreed that the views of the parents of school children presently boarding buses in the area would also be sought. Cllr. Robson agreed to do this and report back in due course.

Public footpaths and bridleways signage :       The signage for all public rights of way in the village had been reviewed and noted by various councillors and it was agreed that all were in order at this time.

Invitation to attend an ELDC Strategy seminar:     All town and parish  councils have been invited to send representatives to a seminar to see details of ELDCs corporate strategy for the coming years. Cllr. Gladwin agreed to attend this meeting on behalf of Benniworth PC and to report any details back at the next meeting.

Road sign for Click’em Hill and relocation of grit container:       Cllr. Moon is dealing with the matter of the road sign and it is believed to be proceeding, the clerk agreed to establish the current status with her.

It was agreed that the grit bin on Click’em Hill is not positioned in the best location. It is very close to the edge of the road, thereby causing an obstruction to traffic flow and access to neighbouring farm land. Additionally, any grit used, needs to be applied further up the hill to allow its effect to take advantage of the gradient. As the bin is highways property if was felt that ELDC need to be responsible for its relocation and the clerk was tasked with contacting highways to try to have this dealt with. It was also agreed that small scoops should be added to all grit containers in the village to facilitate the task of spreading.

Village incident emergency plan:    This project has already been started by Cllr. Moon and it was agreed that Cllr. Gilmour would make contact with her to establish progress. All agreed that this was an important topic following the recent weather incident and, whilst much of the damage caused by this this was dealt with admirably by some public- spirited individuals, these actions could perhaps be improved with better co-ordination in the future.

AOB:       The condition of drains in certain locations throughout the village was raised having been put into focus following the recent downpour. Locations including Spring Bottom, Click’em Hill and Church Lane were identified and the clerk was tasked with taking up this matter with ELDC regarding a solution.

Cllr. Simpson proposed that a suggestion box be located within the village to allow residents to raise topics or proposals anonymously. A location in the bus shelter was suggested and Cllr. Simpson was tasked with progressing this.

Cllr. Simpson advised that she had been approached by a resident pointing out that the recently installed church sign at the junction of Main Rd. and Church Lane is positioned far too close to the road and in danger of being in contact with passing traffic. As the sign was erected by ELDC themselves there is little more to be done than to report our concerns to the appropriate ELDC dept. Clerk  to action this.

Financial:      The latest financial statement was provided by Cllr. Olivant  and was filed.

Date of next meeting was agreed for 20th November 2019 location TBA

Prepared by :

P. Dyas (clerk)


  DRAFT                                      (chair)

Meeting closed  8.50 pm.