Agenda and Meeting Minutes - 05.02.2020
- 10 - minute Public session
- Apologies for absence
- Approval of minutes of previous meeting
- Clerks Report
- Discuss and prepare a Public meeting to be held prior to the AGM
- Councillors contact details to be added to village website
- Village Flooding update and discussion
- Click’em Hill signage update
- AOB item from last meeting, Bank savings account.
5th FEBRUARY 2020
1. Apologies Cllr. S. Olivant, Cllr. A Simpson 2. Public session Mr. K. Olivant raised the subject of the condition of some village roads with specific reference to Church Lane and Meadow Lane. Recent flooding and potholes were highlighted as requiring urgent attention and, following discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Olivant should use his contact within the LCC highways dept. to arrange a site meeting to discuss causes and possible solutions - Action KO 3. Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the previous meeting of 27th November were reviewed and signed off as accurate. 4. Clerk’s Report The village precept for 2020/21 has been finalised with ELDC and will reduced by 25% compared to the previous year. An application for a dog waste bin to be installed on Silver St. has been granted and will be installed by the Highways dept. shortly. A planning application by Mr. D. Temple for conversion of buildings bordering Meadow Lane into a holiday let, has been approved by the ELDC planning authority. The subscription for the Benniworth PC entry in the Asterby churches group newsletter is due for renewal. It was decided that this would proceed at an annual cost of £50.00. 5. Benniworth Village Annual Public Meeting and AGM Initial details of arrangements for the above meetings were discussed. Standing orders require that the public meeting is held prior to the AGM and therefore the 8th or 15th April 2020 were proposed as possible dates. The suggested venue was the Heneage Pub. Cllr. Hart was asked to establish and confirm dates, venue and guest invitations. It was agreed that the PC would cover the cost of the venue hire and a light buffet - Action Cllr Hart The date for the AGM was agreed for Wednesday 20th May 2020. 6. Councillors personal details to be placed on the PC website. This subject was discussed and all councillors present agreed to supply their details to Cllr. Simpson for upload onto the website - Action Cllr Simpson 7. Clarification of road signage – Meadow Lane/View area. Cllr. Gladman reported that, following extensive investigation, there was considerable confusion among residents of Meadow View as to their correct address details given that the road sign indicates it to be Panton Road. Further confusion arises from the road markings at the entry to Meadow Lane. In order to correct this, it was agreed that the road from the village cross roads all the way to the B1225 (High Street) is Meadow View and that new signage should reflect this. The Meadow Lane signage is correct and will remain as is. All postcodes will remain unaffected by any changes. Cllr. Gladman will gather signage costings to allow the changes to be made. Cllr. Gladman was thanked by all for her very detailed work on this matter - Action Cllr Gladman 8. Financial Report The PC finances are robust with a current account balance sufficient to cover planned capital expenditure on projects this year…. new road signage, a second village notice board for Silver St. etc. and also to allow for a reduced precept income for the fiscal year 2020/21. All changes to account signatories have now been implemented. It was agreed that a previous proposal to open a second savings account be dismissed due to the very low interest rates available on such accounts, added to the inconvenience of the necessary management of funds, which would require physical visits to the branch. Date of next meeting AGM Wednesday 20th May 2020 Meeting Closed 8.50 pm