Meeting Minutes - 25.01.2018

Minutes of Meeting of Benniworth Parish Council

Held on Thursday 25th January 2018 at Skirbeck Farm


Present:   Cllr Keith Oliphant (Chairman), Cllr Chris Raynor (Vice Chairman) 

                   Cllr Fay Moon, Cllr Sue Olivant, Cllr Gill Stewart, Cllr Pat Walker

                    Cllr Paul Willoughby and Retiring Parish Clerk Mrs K. Willoughby 

Apologies: Cllr Chris Portas

Public 10 Minutes:  Approximately 12 members of the Public present

Matters raised by members of the Public:

            1. Potholes in Meadow Lane - advised to report on official link to LCC.     Cllr Willoughby to post link on Village Facebook page.

            2.  Condensation on Village Notice Board – advised door can be opened

            3.  Extra Grit bin requested for Meadow Lane – Cllr Keith Olivant

            4.  Request for defibrillator code to be given to all villagers. After discussion it was agreed that MOP to leaflet drop all houses.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: The retiring Parish Clerk read out the Minutes of the Meeting on Thursday 12th October. It was agreed that they were a true record and duly signed.

Due to the Presence of Mr Andrew Hanson (Chairperson of Freedom Camping Club) who had been invited to attend the meeting by Cllr Olivant, it was decided to discuss the matter of the Camp Site Application (Agenda item 7.)

Camp Site Application

Mr Andrew Hanson introduced himself and explained that his presence was to listen to concerns in order to make a decision on the application. His role was not to argue for or against the proposal. He stated he had received all the letters and when offered a copy of the Minutes of the Special Meeting held on 12th December stated these would be helpful. There then followed a passionate, general discussion where the occupants of the two dwellings most affected, Cobblers and Wheelwright Cottage and Lime House, were able to put their views. The chief concern was confusion, due to conflicting maps, about where the caravans would be sited. It was agreed that a site meeting be arranged between Mr Hanson, the Applicant and the MOP’s directly affected to clarify this.

When asked who else had been consulted, Mr Hanson replied he had consulted with ELDC and Lincolnshire Wolds Joint Advisory Body and they had no objections. He did however say that the applicant must follow litigation and allow the hedge on the eastern boundary to grow higher. There was surprise that ELDC had “no comment”. Cllr Chris Raynor read out a letter sent by the Parish Council describing particular concern with regard to access, via a drive that does not have planning permission and visibility for caravans leaving the site onto the unclassified road. This letter has not been replied to but it was reported that someone from ELDC had visited the Applicant to discuss the driveway.  Parish Clerk to follow up.

On the issue of impact on residents, Mr Hanson re-iterated the point that it was for this reason he had come to the Meeting. He had to make a decision as to whether the impact on residents and family life outweighed the Applicant’s right to have a caravan site.  When asked how many caravans would be allowed, Mr Hanson replied five but he understood the Applicant was also considering applying for a camping certificate for up to 10 tents.

Cllr Raynor made the point that the Applicant had a reputation of “altering” planning rules to suit his own ends and asked what re-dress we had should this apply to the Site. He replied that the certificate is reviewed annually, there would be spot checks and that he relied on members of the public to inform his organisation should there be a problem. Cllr Raynor asked for this information to be put in an email. Parish Clerk to follow up.

Cllr Keith Olivant asked that the site meeting be open to other members of the public. After a brief discussion it was decided the meeting be restricted to affected residents. Mr Hanson to inform of date and time in writing.  An open meeting to be held after that should there be a need. Mr Hanson left the Meeting and was thanked by all for coming.

Precept: Proposed by Cllr Sue Olivant, seconded by Cllr Paul Willoughby and agreed by all that the figure requested be £1,500 i.e. the same as last year.

Vacancy for Clerk: Mrs Jackie Hart was introduced and gave her reasons for wanting to be Parish Clerk. It was proposed by Cllr Gill Stewart and seconded by Cllr Chris Raynor that she be appointed. All agreed. Mrs Kathleen Willoughby was thanked for her many years’ service in the post. Cllr Keith Olivant thanked Cllr Chris Raynor for filling the gap between Clerks.

Bollards/Key Tennyson Close:  Cllr Chris Raynor explained the background to the arrival of the bollards. A member of the public had complained to her about people driving over The Green and ELDC reacted despite being asked for a consultation before action. A follow up with regard to access for grass cutting has resulted in one of the bollards being able to be collapsed with a key. A request for the Parish Council to have a key was denied.

Matters Arising:

1. Potholes in Meadow Lane have been reported.

2. Cllr Olivant has spoken to the occupant with regard to cutting the hedge at Coppins  near Spring  Bottom.  It will be cut in the spring.

3.  Road sign at Silver Street has been refurbished and will soon be in place.

Any Other Business:  Cllr Gill Stewart gave an update on Broadband she had received from MOP. Open Reach had decided the box at Meadow Lane would not provide adequate coverage for the whole village. They were now proposing to install overhead fibre-optic cable. No date as to when. In reply to a question whether we should have to pay more for our Broadband, Cllr Stewart replied “no”.  We are already paying for18 megabytes and it was unlikely the new service would exceed that. It was agreed that a representative from Open Reach attend the next Meeting to give us an update. Parish Clerk/Phil Dyas to arrange.

There being no further business the Meeting closed at 8.45pm

The date of the next Meeting is Thursday 10th May when the AGM will be held followed an Ordinary Meeting.


*MOP = Member of the public



………………………………………………  Chairman