Agenda and Meeting Minutes - 06.03.2019
To be held on Wednesday 6th March 2019
St Julian’s Church, Church Lane - 7:30pm
1. Apologies
2. Notes of the last meeting held on Thursday 10th January 2019 to be approved as the minutes
3. Action Plan Meeting minutes held on 6th February 2019
4. Additional village notice board
5. Village skip
6. Salt spreading – pending further action
7. Phone box interior lighting
8. Plaque engraving
9. Village Newsletter
10. Standing Orders
11. PC Hardware
12. Parish Council vacancies
13. Annual Public Meeting
14. May 2019 elections
15. Finances
Next meeting (TBC) at St Julian’s Church
Agenda Prepared by Parish Chairman
Wednesday 6 March 2019 7.30 pm - Held at St Julian’s Church
Meeting Minutes
60. Attended by: Cllrs Fay Moon (Chairman), Gill Stewart (Vice Chairman), Chris Raynor, Steve Tyerman David Gilmour, Keith Robson, Sue Olivant, Paul Willoughby.
61. Apologies: Apologies not received from Cllr Hannah Walker.
62. Public 10 Minutes: The following matters were raised: A resident had contacted the Parish Council in connection with the footpath near Spring Bottom Farm. This is in a very poor state of repair, following the recent works undertaken by the Local Authority (LA) to resolve flooding on the road in this area. The resident has already contacted the LA, who advised that footpath repairs are needed. It was suggested that if the Parish Council also write to the LA with the same concerns then this will add weight to the existing complaint and may increase the chances of footway repairs. Action: Cllr Moon to email LA/ Highways.
63. Minutes of Meeting on Thursday 10 January 2019 were approved and signed.
64. Action Plan Meeting Draft Minutes held on Wednesday 6 February 2019 were read out and the following points noted:
- Grit bin - This has now been sited by Highways. Nearest residents have confirmed they are happy with the location. However, local farmer is concerned the bin has been positioned opposite a field entrance and may impede access to the filed with large machinery. Action: Cllrs Willoughby to investigate, with a view to contacting Highways if current grit bin location is unsuitable.
- Poo signs & bin. No action taken on signs yet. Highways have confirmed to Cllr Robson that all of Silver Street as far as the Needhams turn-off (left side verge only) is maintained by Highways. Cllr Robson attempting to download the relevant map from Local Authority, so far unsuccessful. Action: Cllr Robson to obtain relevant map.
- Advertisement of Clerk to Parish Council post. Cllr Olivant has placed advert with newspaper and it was recently seen in the village news section of the Louth Leader. No response yet, will need further consideration if no response. Action: Cllr Tyerman continues as Acting Clerk. Further discussion at next Planing Meeting if no response to advert.
- Funding and assistance request in respect of future village use and urgent/necessary improvements to St Julians Church. Cllr Stewart declared an interest and updated the remaining Councillors. The Church quinquennial inspection takes place next year, at which point the Church may be able to apply for National Lottery funding towards creating a space which could increase village/community use. Until that point, St Julian’s Church Warden is investigating a 50:50 grant from the Church to pay for the most urgent works. Action: No action at this point from the Parish Council.
- Change of name for Click’em Hill. Cllr Moon has the paperwork for the change of name. Action: Cllr Moon to contact the affected residents and Highways with a view to finalising the paperwork for submission.
65. Additional Village Notice Board: Cllr Tyerman has obtained written quote. Voted to purchase from Roger Lyndley. Proposed: Cllr Willoughby. Seconded: Cllr Raynor. Unanimous. Action: Cllr Tyerman contact Roger Lyndley and request the work is done.
66. Skip: Cllr Willoughby has confirmed with NFU that he has appropriate insurance in place as is skip to be sited on his property, this resolves Highways concerns over placement by the road. Cllr Willoughby has obtained 2 quotes for skip hire. £174 (inc VAT) for an 8 yard skip, from Paul Riddell skip hire. £342 (inc VAT) for 12 yard skip, from A Riddell skip hire. Both for a weekend. Voted to have 8 yard skip and then potentially a further one later in the year if needed. Proposed: Cllr Tyerman. Seconded: Cllr Robson. Unanimous. Action: Cllr Willoughby to arrange with Paul Riddell skip hire for weekend of 29 March.
67. Salt Spreading: Further to information received from Highways and discussed by the Parish Council, Cllr Tyerman (as Acting Clerk) has written to Keith Olivant and requested that he does not grit the village roads at the present time. This is because LCC Highways have advised there are numerous Health and Safety and legal issues associated with gritting. Highways have advised that they are currently preparing advice for Parish Councils in respect of gritting and that any gritting endorsed by the Parish Council may result in the Parish Council being liable in the event of a problem. It was agreed that this is in no way a reflection on Mr Olivant or the invaluable help he has provided to the village in the past to keep the roads clear and open. Given that Highways are currently unable to advise on gritting, a discussion followed regarding the future use of the salt spreader. The decision to sell the spreader had been agreed at a previous meeting and it’s potential sale to Mr Keith Olivant was discussed. Cllr Olivant declared an interest and took no part in the discussion or vote. Cllr Robson abstained. Voted to approach Keith Olivant in the first instance, to enquire if he wished to purchase the Parish Councils share of the spreader. Price range discussed. Proposed: Cllr Stewart. Seconded: Cllr Gilmour. Remaining Councillors approved (excluding Cllr Olivant and Cllr Robson). Action: Cllr Tyerman to contact Mr Olivant to see if he wishes to buy the Parish Councils’ share of the gritter.
68. Phone box light: Cllr Gilmour demonstrated the light. Cllr Robson is an electrical engineer and qualified to undertake this work and has kindly donated the equipment required to fit.Voted to fit to phone box. Proposed: Cllr Moon. Seconded: Cllr Stewart. Action: Cllrs Robson and Gilmour to fit to phone box.
69. Plaque engraving and bench: Cllr Oivant has obtained quotes for plaque. £42.50, prepared and delivered. 5”x2”. Cllr Willoughby to check it will fit on bench. Cllrs unanimous approval to order, Cllr Olivant had declared an interest and did not vote. Cllr Stewart has spoken to Keith & Kay Olivant, to see if they had an opinion regarding location of the bench. Options discussed; top of Clickem hill, by the lakes, near the bus stop. Parish Council also discussed options. Bus stop is most central, providing the resident who cuts the grass there has no objection. Proposed bus stop: Cllr Tyerman. Seconded: Cllr Robson. Cllr Olivant had declared an interest in this Agenda item and took no part in discussion or vote. Approved by remaining Cllrs. Action: Cllr Raynor to speak to resident who cuts grass, if they are happy to work round it, bench will be placed near the bus stop Proposed date of ribbon cutting, 18 May 2019. Cllr Willoughby to check will fit. Cllr Olivant to order plaque.
70. Village Newsletter: Cllr Moon provided information following discussion with Jayne Dyas. Parish Council could share a section of the local newsletter with the village and the Church to publish relevant information. Share of cost would be £5 per issue. Option to agree to have and pay for 5 slots for £25, which would then cover 6 issues, with one free issue. Proposed Cllr Moon, Seconded: Cllr Tyerman. Unanimous decision to pay for full year. First deadline for info is 15 March, then 15th of every other month starting 15 April. Action: Cllr Moon to collate info and give to Jayne Dyas for inclusion.
71. Standing orders: Standing orders as prepared, unanimously approved with single amendment to clarify purchasing arrangements below £100. Action: Cllr Stewart to amend standing orders.
72. Computer Hardware: Cllr Moon has looked at quotes presented at previous meeting. Hewlett Packard looked best value at £319.Due to frequent price variations in this market. Proposed allowable spend £300 - £400 for computer and £150 - £200 for a printer. Proposed: Cllr Willoughby. Seconded: Cllr Olivant. Unanimous approval. Action: Cllr Olivant to purchase on credit card and then be reimbursed from Parish Council funds.
73. Vacancy for Parish Clerk: Advert has been placed and already seen in village news section of Louth Leader. Agreed to also include advert in village newsletter. Action:Cllr Moon to include in info to be sent for newsletter.
74. Annual Public Meeting: Date decided Wednesday 17 April. 7pm at St Julians. Chair and 1 councillor required to attend as minimum. PC Precious to be approached and invited to attend and speak about local crime. No food required. Tea urn if possible. Action: Cllr Tyerman to look for Parish Council USB, to source last years flyer.
75. May 2019 elections: Cllr Tyerman has attended ELDC presentation as Acting Parish Clerk. Presented information obtained, along with 9 blank nomination forms. Action: Cllr Tyerman to display official election notice on village notice board on appropriate date. Cllr Tyerman to distribute available blank nomination forms. Further forms can be requested by anyone via ELDC, as per election notice.
76. Finances: Cllr Olivant presented the finance report. Bank balance 6.3.19 £3,214.76. Payment since last meeting, £25 for St Julians room hire. Action: None required.
77. Meeting Closed: 9.00pm. Date for next Meeting: Wednesday 15 March, 7.30pm. Location: St Julians Church.