Meeting Minutes - 12.01.2017
The Meeting of Benniworth Parish Council was held on
Thursday 12th January, 2017
at Skirbeck Farm at 7.30 p.m.
Apologies : were received from Councillor I.Selby.
Present: Councillors K. Olivant (Chairman), S. Olivant, C. Portais, P. Walker, C. Raynor F. Moon, G. Stewart
Public 10 minutes: Five members of the public were present. It was pointed out that there is a rut down at Spring Bottom made by a lorry going off the road. MOP volunteered to fill this in when he had his digger available. MOP suggested the Parish Council look into the possibility of a glass bank in the village. Clerk to write to East Lindsey District Council. It was noted that there are several road repairs that need attention. At the Post box at Silver Street is a small pothole that has a puddle in and the children who get on the bus are always stepping in it. MOP thanked everyone who provided the tree and the support of the village at Singing around the tree. £57 was raised for St. Andrew’s Hospice.
Previous minutes: were read with the additions de-fibrilllator casing £450. A letter is to be written to Mr. Chris Panton informing him that Benniworth PC ticked the NO Observation box and did not support the proposal as stated on the Planning Portal Document. This was for the wind turbine.
Matters Arising:
Telephone Box Councillor K. Olivant had been to see Chris Wilson about the map of Benniworth which he had undertaken to produce. As yet it was not completed.
De-fibulator Clerk had enquired about insurance to cover the de-fibrillator in the telephone box and this was covered so no extra money to pay. At the moment the power supply to the telephone box has to be connected. Councillor K. Olivant had found someone to do the electric connections. had been ordered costing £1,350.00. Councillor K. Olivant would collect. There will be 12 places for anyone in the village to be trained up to use the de-fibrillator. This to be arranged.
Website: Clerk in process of getting web- site up to date.
Correspondence received:
- CPRE Lincolnshire Best Kept Village Competition 2017
- LALC News Leaflet
Progress Race Track: Councillor K. Olivant explained that an archaeological test was needed on the site. Councillor G. Stewart explained that Councillor Richard Fry was unable to come to this meeting. Jo Parker had been invited but declined stating her views were contained in an e-mail to Councillor R. Fry on 7th January,2017. This was read out to the meeting
The full application has not been received. I have tried to call the architect last week but he was unavailable. I will be speaking to him next week with an update and an up to date site inspection will also made shortly. The Enforcement Notice is not considered to be complied with and if no application is with the LPA for determination at that point, the Council will need to decide whether to take further action against the land owner for non-compliance with the Notice. There is the public interest to consider, as with all enforcement and court actions. I will write to update all interested parties.. Councillor G. Stewart told the Councillors that the motto cross site had been ongoing a long time and she produced an Historical Summary of Documents that was distributed to all Concillors then she proposed that in the interest of both parties that a letter be sent to East Lindsey Planning to encourage a conclusion. Councillor F. Moon seconded this motion. The Council also voted on this matter everyone in agreement. Clerk to send a letter with help.
Precept/Finances: The budget for the coming year was discussed and therefore it was decided the precept be £1,500 same as last year.
Savings £207.80 Lloyds Current Account £1,533.17 Less £1,350.00 Total £504.97
Plans Grange Farm Benniworth Internal . Mr. T. Needham had plans for making internal alterations in the Farmhouse. Councillors looked at the plans and approved planning.
Any other Business:
- Constitution It was proposed that a sub- committee of three or four Councilllors review a new constitution and code of Conduct. Councillor C. Raynor to arrange.
- Councillor F. Moon to invite P.C. Richard Precious Community Beat Officer to the next meeting.
- Councillor F. Moon suggested the possibility of joining forces with South Willingham to save money for the next election in 2019.
Next meeting: Thursday 9th h March 2017 at 7.30 p.m.