Agenda and Meeting Minutes - 26 June 2024
Meeting of Benniworth Parish Council
Wednesday 26 June 2024, 7pm
To be held at St. Julian’s Church
Public Session, 10 Minutes
Present Cllrs. Stewart (chair), Olivant, Raynor, Chetwynd – Talbot Clerk – D Bailey
Cllr. South On furlough Cllrs. Dyas, Mcallister
2 members of the public were welcomed to the meeting. One member of the public offered support to the Parish Council in whatever capacity would be most useful. The Chair thanked them for the offer. The second member of the public offered the Rectory Garden as the venue for the forthcoming Village BBQ. This was discussed and is summarised below in point 7 – update on social events
Proposed that the minutes be accepted and signed. Proposed – Cllr. Raynor Seconded – Cllr. Olivant
Report accepted. Cllr Olivant noted that the grass cutting would be in the region of £800 - £1000 and is due to be paid. This was agreed.
The clerk read out the emails from PWC, who are the building control surveyors. It is still not clear from the emails what plans, if any, have yet been submitted for the disposal of foul water and surface water. A local resident also has concerns about the dumping of soil and rubble which may impact upon drainage of rainwater Action clerk to discuss with ELDC to establish the current situation and the protocols for waste water disposal.
Cllr Chetwynd-Talbot stated that this was still in progress, and two volunteers were offering to help. Cllr Raynor offered to distribute the questionnaire when the time came, and the clerk suggested that his address be added to the locations where the questionnaire could be returned.
In the earlier public forum one member of the public offered the Rectory Garden as the venue for the forthcoming Village BBQ. After some discussion, the following was agreed: - The date would be either Friday12th July commencing at 5p.m., or Friday 16th August commencing at 5p.m., the BBQ being weather dependant. The event would be funded by sale of tickets Food would be purchased by the Parish Council and attendees be expected to bring their own drinks, and any specific dietary requirements. Cllr. Chetwynd-Talbot will prepare the tickets and advertise on Facebook and WhatsApp. Cllr. Olivant will provide salads. Various offers were made to provide cakes. The chair thanked the Member of Public for his kind offer The Cheese and Wine event will be decided upon after the BBQ, given that two dates have been set aside in case of inclement weather.
Noted that the future meeting dates will be: - 25th. September 2024 29th. January 2025 23rd. April 2025 21st. May 2025 - AGM and Public Meeting
The meeting closed at 20.05.