Agenda and Meeting Minutes - 7 September 2022
Wednesday 7th September 2022 at 7.30pm
Location: Stainfield House, Main Road, Benniworth
Public Forum – 10 minutes
- Apologies
- Review and sign off minutes of last meeting held on 13th July 2022
- Finalise position of new Parish Clerk and agree details of the handover procedure
- Parish Council Finances & financial auditing opt out
- Feedback from councillors of actions agreed at last meeting:
- Registration of land adjacent to B1225 (Cllr. Olivant)
- Produce a job description for the role of Parish Clerk ( Cllr. Dyas)
- Investigate options regarding vehicle speed control in the village (Cllr. Dyas)
- Gather any relevant information relating to the original purchase of the village salt spreader (Cllr. Olivant)
- Gather information regarding the possibility of a Tennyson blue plaque for St Julian’s Church. (Cllr. Raynor)
- Unauthorised access to field following menage development – Silver St. / Main Road.
- Update on upgrade to services by Northern Power/BT
- Date of next meeting.
Wednesday 7th September 2022, 1930hrs at Stainfield House,
Main Road, Benniworth
In attendance Cllr. G. Stewart (chair), Cllr. D. Gilmour, Cllr. C. Raynor, Cllr. S. Ollivant, Cllr. P. Dyas, Cllr. S. McAllister and G. Shaw (Acting Parish Clerk)
10 Minute Public Forum
No members of the public in attendance
1. Apologies
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Minutes of the previous meeting of Wednesday 13th July were reviewed and signed off as accurate.
3. Finalisation of New Parish Clerk
G. Shaw had discussed the role with Chair G. Stewart on a previous occasion. Cllr. Dyas had given a written job description.
Cllr. Ollivant proposed G. Shaw as Clerk, seconded by Cllr. McAllister.
All current documentation passed to G. Shaw. It was agreed by all Cllrs. that Cllr. Dyas will keep the historic notes.
4. Parish Council Finances
A financial statement prepared by Cllr. Ollivant given to G. Shaw.
Financial auditing opt out discussed. All Cllrs. agreed that as Benniworth is a small Authority and below the threshold that doesn’t require audit, to opt out.
5. Feedback from Councillors of actions agreed at the last meeting
Registration of land adjacent to B1125
Cllr. Ollivant stated that the land belonged historically to Benniworth Parish Council. Cllr. Ollivant will consult a Solicitor as to how to proceed to Register the land.
Cllrs. discussed any rent owed.
Options regarding speed control in the village
Cllr. Dyas contacted Lincs Speed Watch. He was advised there are means to control speed, but they can only be used if the matter is referred to the Police. Cllr. Dyas to contact the local PCSO to discuss further options. A reply will be sent to Mr. P. Willoughby, (who raised the concerns) once the matter is investigated further.
Salt Spreader
Sale of the salt spreader was discussed by all Cllrs. It is unable to be used now due to new restrictions. Cllr. Dyas and G. Shaw will make further enquiries and action taken as appropriate.
“Tennyson” Blue Plaque for St. Julians church
Siting discussed by all Cllrs. Cllr. Raynor expressed reservations about siting the Plaque too low as it may encourage vandalism. Cllr Raynor will discuss with Rvd. Cilla a suitable site.
A Vote was taken and all Cllrs. agreed to the idea of the Plaque.
A Vote for purchasing the Plaque was proposed by Cllr. Raynor and Seconded by Cllr. McAllister.
Unauthorised access to the field following the Menage Development – Silver St./ Main Road
There was an ongoing discussion amongst all Cllrs. It was agreed any final decision and any required actions to be taken to be decided at the next Parish Council Meeting in November.
Update on upgrade to services by Northern Power/ B.T.
Cllr. Stewart (chair) explained that the final cables are to be placed underground and that Mr. J. Moon has kindly agreed to try and co-ordinate the suppliers. Benniworth parish Council are awaiting an update from Mr. Moon.
Cllr. S. McAllister will contact Mr. J. Moon.
Cllr. S. McAllister will update the Neighbourhood Watch involvement with other local villages and report her findings at the next Parish Council meeting.
The Suggestion Box was checked and empty.
It was confirmed that the Meadow view Signs have been erected.
8. Date of next meeting
23rd November 2022 at 1930hrs
Benniworth Parish Council meeting closed at 2050hrs
Prepared by G. Shaw Clerk
Signed by Chairperson