Chair's Report - July 2022

Chair’s Report

Benniworth Parish Council met 3 times in 2021/22.

Two Councillors have resigned, Adele Simpson and Keith Robson. With regret their resignations were accepted and both were thanked for their contribution to the Council and to the community.

Phil Dyas, our Parish Clerk, expressed a wish to resign and at an Extraordinary Meeting on Wednesday 6th July. his resignation was accepted and by a unanimous decision he was Co-opted onto the Parish Council. For the past 3 years Phil has ably fulfilled the role of Parish Clerk as well as being pro active in Council projects and giving me support. He will be a very welcome addition to the Council and as Parish Clerk a hard act to follow.  Vote of thanks.

Over the past year, the Parish Council supported a Party on the Village Green, Carols at Foxholes and provided all Benniworth children with a mug to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee. The PC has initiated a second notice board at the junction with Silver Street, the erection of signs for Meadow Lane (still ongoing), the provision of dog fouling signs and poo bags. Cllr Mc Alistair has established a neighbourhood watch team namely Andy Kerr, Guy Vinson and Jake Fincham. They are currently engaged in liaising with East Barkwith with the aim of combining with other Villages regarding matters related to crime and crime prevention.

One Planning application has been received for the building of a meneage at Decoy House. The PC had no observations. Benniworth PC were not consulted by ELDC regarding the cycle track at South Willingham and it was decided that Councillors and Villagers should respond as individuals.

We are indebted to our talented villagers. Paul and Graham Willoughby for Notice board and sign erection and Colin McAlistair for building the Christmas tree base, the poo bag boxes and for the artistic painting of the telephone box.

I conclude by thanking the Councillors for their support over the past year.


Gillian Stewart

July 2022