Agenda and Meeting Minutes - 9 February 2022


9th February 2022

Location:  Stainfield House, Main Rd.  7:30pm



  1. Apologies
  2. Public Forum  (10 Mins)- Residents are invited to raise topics of concern with Councillors. ( Please raise any matter in writing prior to the meeting date and these will be read out to the councillors)
  3. Parish Council vacancies
  4. Village security – Cllr. McAllister to update all on the recent visit of the police crime reduction officer
  5. Appointment of Neighbourhood Watch volunteers
  6. Dog fouling Main road and Panton road
  7. Royal Jubilee – To discuss how the village might celebrate the occasion
  8. Financial statement.


Agenda Prepared by Parish Chairman


NB item 7   Jubilee Celebrations

It is envisaged that the discussions relating to The Royal Jubilee celebration will result in the formulation of a village committee to agree the specific arrangements. If any resident has any suggestions or ideas to contribute or would like to volunteer to serve on such a committee, would they please email their thoughts to the parish clerk on or use the suggestion box located in the bus shelter.




Meeting held on 9th February 2022, 7.30pm at Stainfield House

In attendance:

Cllr G. Stewart (chair) Cllr. S Olivant, Cllr S. McAllister, Cllr D Gilmour, P. Dyas(clerk)

MEETING MINUTES DRAFT (to be approved at next PC Meeting)


1.  Apologies

None received.


2.  Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting held on the 17th November 2021 were reviewed, accepted as accurate and signed off by the chairman.


3. Neighbourhood Watch

This item was brought forward on the agenda for convenience. Cllr. McAllister provided a brief summary of the meeting with the Crime Reduction Officer, Simone Wilson, who visited the village in January. Two aspects of village security were offered by her; how individuals could best prepare their properties for crime prevention and the importance of neighbourhood communications. We further focused on her second point at our PC meeting, discussing the potential for liaison with neighbouring villages. As well, the Council have received acceptance from 3 village residents to serve as Neighbourhood Watch, each responsible for a specific section of the village. Cllr. McAllister will communicate outcomes from these initiatives, as soon as possible via a village flyer, our PC website and notes on Benniworth social media.

Action:  Cllr McAllister


4. Public Forum

A resident raised the subject of barking dogs, particularly in the area to the north of the village. The same situation was reported to be affecting the Silver St. area. The situation will be monitored for possible further discussion at the next council meeting.

A resident raised the state of repair of Church Lane road surface and associated flood risks. The clerk advised that he had raised this matter (and the same issue on Meadow Lane) with LCC Highways on a number of occasions, but that no action had resulted. It was suggested that some investigation could be undertaken by a small group of residents to see if a solution could be found. The clerk is to try to recruit a group of volunteers to investigate this possibility.


5. Election of new Council Member

Mrs C. Raynor expressed an interest in joining the Parish Council. Mrs. Raynor has previously served as a Councillor in Benniworth and it was felt that her experience would make her a very valuable asset to the village.

Following proposal by Cllr. Olivant and seconded by Cllr. McAllister, Mrs Raynor was duly elected and welcomed by all.


6. Dog Fouling

The state of the village grass verges, as a result of dog fouling, was discussed as a significant increase in occurrences has been noted. With very few footpaths in the village, all pedestrians are forced onto verges to avoid road traffic.

Following a discussion, it was decided that dog fouling signs be displayed throughout the village reminding dog walkers that fouling is an offence and can result in possible prosecution and fines.

Additionally, waste bag dispensers will be provided by the Parish Council and placed throughout the village to assist with keeping our village clean and hygienic.


7. Royal Jubilee Celebration

Councillors agreed that Benniworth village should hold a gathering to celebrate the Royal Platinum Jubilee in June 2022. It will be held jointly with Market Stainton village and Ms. L Gladwin and Mr D. Mills representing Market Stainton were in attendance.

It was decided that a small committee be formed of volunteers to make plans and preparations for the event and a provisional date of June 4th suggested. All activities and arrangements to be finalised by the committee but the provision of food, a marquee and entertainment were suggested.

Entry will be by ticket, paid for in advance, to assist with catering arrangements. An initial meeting to assemble volunteers etc will be arranged, a date is set for 2nd March, 7.30pm at Moor Farm and a flyer has been distributed to request that all people interested in serving on the committee attend this first meeting.


8. Financial Statement

Cllr. Olivant presented an up to date account of expenditure and advised that there would be no increase in the Benniworth village precept over the 2021 level.


9. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be the AGM and will be held on July 13th 2022 in St Julian’s church.

Public forum commencing 7.00pm

AGM commencing 7.30pm

Meeting closed 8.45pm







