Agenda and Meeting Minutes - 17 November 2021


Wednesday 17th November 2021

Meeting Room – Skirbeck Farm






  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Approval of minutes of last meeting
  3. Chairman’s report – resignations/elections/ Tasks
  4. Clerks report – update on outstanding matters
  5. Bus Shelter – Charity collections/ Telephone box maintenance
  6. Proposed Cycle Track – South Willingham
  7. Village security/ Neighbourhood Watch
  8. Engraved wording for header plate on new notice board.
  9. Review of village communications – website. social media etc
  10. Finance report
  11. Date of next meeting



Wednesday 17th November 2021, 7.30pm at Skirbeck Farm, Benniworth

In attendance: Cllr. G. Stewart (chair), Cllr. S McAllister, Cllr D. Gilmour, Cllr S. Olivant

1. Apologies

Cllr. K. Robson  (illness)  Clerk P. Dyas (illness)

2. Public session

The chairman opened the meeting and welcomed 3 members of the public.

3. Minutes of previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting of July 2021 were reviewed and signed off as accurate.

4. Chairman’s report – resignations/elections/tasks

The chairman advised that letters of resignation from the council had been received from Mrs A Simpson and Mr. K. Robson. Both were thanked for their contribution to the PCs activities and to the community.

The chairman went on to thank Mr Charlie Raynor and Mr. Graham Walker on behalf of all residents, for their outstanding service to the village as representatives of the Neighbourhood Watch.

The purchase of new road signage for Meadow View is to proceed and 3 new nameplates will be ordered and installed. All road salt bin levels have been checked in preparation for use over the winter period.

5. Clerk’s report – update on outstanding matters

These were included in the chairman’s report due to the clerk’s absence from the meeting.

6. Bus shelter, charity collections

It was noted that the Village bus shelter was becoming very untidy due to items being left there. It was agreed that  residents should be reminded that the primary function of the shelter is for school children. It was agreed that items collected for charities may be placed there but these need to be checked and emptied regularly and that COVID awareness needs to be considered. Perishable and food items are to be discouraged as these risk attracting vermin. Clerk to place sign in shelter.

7. Telephone box maintenance

The former telephone box is in need of maintenance. Cllr Gilmore agreed to check the lighting. Cllr McAllister reported that Colin McAllister had volunteered to repaint the exterior. but Council were reminded by a member of the public that Graham Walker had previously painted the box, may wish to do it again and may have paint left over. It was agreed that Graham Walker be consulted before action. - Cllr Gilmour & Colin McAllister

8. Proposed Cycle Track South Willingham

The planning proposal for a cycle track on the Heneage Estate was discussed following an approach by South Willingham Parish Council requesting support for their objection. This proposal remains at a pre-planning stage and therefore nothing can be done at this time.

9. Village security, Neighbourhood Watch

Following excellent work by Cllr McAllister, the meeting was attended by PC Richard Precious, who gave a lengthy presentation on the various ways that residents can help to protect themselves from crime in addition to action to be taken in the event that a crime has been committed. This presentation was recorded and the resulting audio file can be accessed on the village website. It was decided that a list of all recommendations mentioned in the police presentation would be produced and put through letterboxes in every property in the village. Additionally, 3 new members of the village Neighbourhood Watch would be sought and appointed if possible. Due to the file size of the recording audio files can be requested by emailing

Cllr. McAllister agreed to produce the advice sheet and arrange its distribution - Cllr McAllister

10. Engraved wording for header plate on new Notice Board

The engraving of the header board on the new village notice board was discussed and it was agreed that “BENNIWORTH” would be engraved at an approximate cost of £50. Clerk to arrange for this - Clerk Phil Dyas

11. Review of village communications, website, social media etc

Cllr. McAllister agreed to take responsibility for trying to improve and simplify how the PC communicates via the village website. Some suggestions included linking with Facebook and greater use of Whatsapp. - Cllr McAllister

12. Christmas Plans

It was reported that Mr Olivant could not provide the Village with a tree this year and that the Church were holding a Carol Service on 5th December.  After discussion it was decided that funds would be used to purchase a tree and that the Council would organise a Festive Village Gathering on Monday 20th. 

13. Finance Report

The latest financial report was made available to all councillors and will be available via the website in due course

Meeting closed at 9.30pm.                                                                               

Date of next meeting:

Wed February 22nd was provisionally agreed.

Prepared by


Phil Dyas


Signed by


