Agenda and Meeting Minutes - 21 February 2024


Meeting of Benniworth Parish Council on Wednesday

21 st February 2024 at 7pm

To be held at Moor Farm by kind permission of Mrs. Sue Olivant

Public 10 Minutes – When villages can raise matters of concern or
topics relevant to Benniworth.3wwwwwwe

1. Apologies
2. Confirmation of Minutes of last Meeting
3. Matters Arising
4. Date and location of Village Public Meeting and AGM
5. Future format of Parish Council
6. AOB


Minutes of Benniworth Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday

21st February 2024 at Moor Farm by kind permission of Mrs Sue Olivant.


Public 10 Minutes 2 members of the public attended. Council was asked to consider purchasing a second defibrillator for the Horncastle end of the Village. It was agreed to consider this as an agenda item at the next meeting.


1. Apologies received from Cllr Rosie Chetwyn Talbot. Cllrs Susan Mc Allister and Phil Dyas on furlough.


2. Confirmation of Minutes of meeting held on 2nd November. Proposed by Cllr Chris Raynor and seconded by Cllr Ann South that they be signed.


3. Matter Arising

Bus Shelter roof – repairs are not urgent. A quote of £369 + VAT had been received being the maximum it would cost. It was agreed that Cllr Sue Olivant monitor and action repairs when necessary.

Churchyard – Cllr Ann South circulated a quote for grass cutting received from Andy Bond (Wolds Grass Cutting and Ground Care). Council was informed that The Church could pay £200 per year and that an anonymous doner has offered to contribute an annual donation of £200. It was agreed that the Parish Council would allocate £400 and that additional funds be obtained from fundraising/boon days. A second quotation to be obtained.

Overhanging Branches at Spring Bottom – Cllr Sue Olivant to ask K Wallis to resolve.

4. Planning Application West Barn – It was agreed Council had no observations


5. Future Format of Parish Council – Cllr Raynor reported on the information received from LALC regarding Council being inquorate or wanting to become a Village Committee. In the general discussion that followed it was agreed that Benniworth continue as a Parish Council but focus on encouraging interest, new members and obtaining Secretarial support. Chair reported that Mrs Maria Watts had agreed to help with this as a consultant. Mrs Watts was thanked and asked to contribute to the discussion. Mrs Watts agreed to compose a job description for a secretary; compile a flyer with the aim of finding out what residents wanted from their Parish Council and obtain a second quote for grass cutting.

The date of the Village Public Meeting is to be Thursday 16th May at 7pm. The results from the flyer/survey to be obtained before this date. The AGM to be held on Wednesday 22nd at 7pm. The venue for both meetings to be decided.

Meeting closed at 8.30pm                                         Signed…………………………………………..Date………………