Agenda and Meeting Minutes - 8 February 2023
Benniworth Parish Council
Wednesday 8 th February 2023 at 7.30pm
Foxholes, Church Lane
Public 10 Minutes – All villagers invited to raise any issue of concern
1. Apologies
2. Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on 23 rd
November 2022
3. Matters Arising
4. Parish Clerk
5. Budget for 2023
6. Date and Location for Public Meeting and Annual
General Meeting
Benniworth Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 8th February at 7.30pm.
Held at Foxholes, Benniworth by kind permission of Cllr. G Stewart (Chair)
Open Public Forum: Ann South joined the meeting with an update from the VCC:
• Asterby Parish has designated an Amelanchier tree to be planted in memory of the late Queen Elizabeth to be planted in St. Julian’s churchyard (site TBD) as well as provide a memorial plaque.
• Repair of on the chancel ceiling has not yet to be completed; Ann South is chasing the builder…
• The Deanery is to be reduced to 3 clergy, with focus on the two main churches of Scamblesby and Donington on Bain. Revd Cilla will resign and then take on a voluntary role…
• There is, at present, bo proper “committee” formed to support St. Julian’s, and a search for new members of the VCC will be sought in the coming weeks (with AGM to be held sometime in April).
• The Notice Board at the Churchyard entry is swollen; Cllr. Dyas will take a look/ try to repair soon.
Present: Cllr. G Stewart (Chair), Cllrs S Olivant, D Gilmour, P Dyas, C Rayner, S McAllister
- Apologies
No apologies received; all in attendance.
- Minutes of previous meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on 23 November 2022 were accepted unanimously as accurate and signed off.
- Responses to matters arising from previous meeting minutes
Land Registration: this matter is still, on-going.
Village Speeding: Cllr. Dyas is still seeking a response from local police. Meanwhile, he is looking into installation of village “gates” on either side of our 4 entry points.
Salt Spreader: Cllr Dyas to send a letter to Mr K Olivant informing that due to current highway regulations, a decision had been made to sell the spreader and giving him first option to purchase
Tennyson Plaque: This is ongoing. A site meeting is to be arranged to include Rev Cilla and Helen Gamble.
Unauthorised access to menage on Main Road: LCC have no objection to the installation of a gate and will be sending a letter to this effect. Having explored all channels, this matter is now closed.
Confirmation that all councillors have completed the relevant forms required of them by ELDC. These forms will be completed by the time of the AGM; and then mailed to ELDC for updating the ELDC website.
Christmas 2022: A letter had been received from Guy Vinson, thanking the Parish Council for their contribution to the cost of the Banovallum Band. From the budget of £250 a total of £184.23 was spent.
- Parish Clerk: The recently elected Parish Clerk has resigned and there are no candidates for the post. Cllr Stewart contacted LALC and was informed by the Chief Executive, Katrina Evans, that there was no statutory requirement to employ a clerk providing the Council had a Responsible Financial Officer. Since Cllr Sue Olivant is currently our RFO it was agreed she also be given the title of Acting Parish Clerk. The remaining duties of the Parish Clerk to be divided between Cllrs. After discussion it was agreed Cllr Dyas take on Communications; Cllr McAlistair Meeting Minutes and Website; Cllr Raynor Statutory Regulations and Cllr Gilmore Current Activities. Cllr Stewart to inform LALC of the names and contact details of Chair and Acting Parish Clerk.
- Budget for 2023: Cllr Dyas passed round a form giving details of our Annual Budget for 2023/24. It was reviewed, minor amendments made and unanimously agreed. The Village precept for 2023 is £1500. It was further agreed that although we are exempt from official Audit an independent auditor be appointed. Cllr Olivant agreed to find a suitable person.
- Non-Agenda Items Discussed:
Cllr Raynor informed it had been reported to her that the Tennyson Lane Post Box has a damaged “collection time” making it impossible to read. She is communicating with the Post Office to sort this out but it may take up to 25 weeks to replace.
Cllr Stewart presented the framed letter and card she had received from HM King Charles, thanking Benniworth for their messages of condolence on the death of his mother HM Queen Elizabeth 11. This will be displayed in the porch of the Church.
Plans for celebrating the Coronation were briefly discussed. Cllr Olivant agreed to purchase mugs to be given to all school children and extras to be obtained to purchase. A Village celebration to be arranged for Sunday 7 May in the churchyard. Rev Cilla to be contacted for permission.
Community Neighbourhood Watch: Cllr. McAllister reported that a 29th January meeting had been held, with East Barkwith, Ranby, Market Stainton, Burgh on Bain in attendance along with Andy Kerr and Guy Vinson (watchers from Benniworth). PCSO Jo Drake attended and informed us that her Rural Policing department had been informed that they would be dissolved by the end of the year. In response, Neil Walker (Burgh) volunteered to set up a “North Wolds” communication email tool whereby any of the designated village watchers could send and share informational emails to aid in rural crime prevention, monitoring, reporting. Neil has completed this online communications tool; the group will trial-test it for the coming months and determine how to proceed.
- Date of next meeting: Wednesday 26th April 2023 at 7pm, held in St. Julian’s Church subject to approval by Rev Cilla. The Public Meeting will start at 7pm, followed by AGM.
Meeting closed at 9.15pm.