Agenda and Meeting Minutes - 17 May 2023
Wednesday 17th May
Location: St. Julians, Church
Time: 7:30pm
Public session.: An opportunity for the public to raise matters of concern for further discussion at future meetings.
- Apologies
- Matters Arising
- Parish Council Committee
- Salt Spreader
- Village Skip
- Progress and update on Northern Power Installation
Benniworth Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 17th May at 7.30pm.
Held at St. Julian’s Church, Benniworth
Public Session: Olwyn Metcalf, Ann South, and Graham Willoughby joined the meeting.
• Olwyn Metcalf introduced herself to the PC, and kindly offered her voluntary services in future.
• Ann South thanked the PC for the enjoyable success of our Coronation Fete, and £550 in donations received from it to help in repairing the Church roof.
• Graham Willoughby advised that the Horse Box parked on Main Road be removed as it causes hazard for cars and pedestrians alike.Cllr G. Stewart is in the process of advising the box owner.
• Rev Cilla Smith had wanted to join us at our meeting, but instead had to send her written thanks to all involved in organizing and putting on the Coronation Fete – not only for the church building funds received, but also for a “special afternoon, a real illustration of what can be achieved.”Nicely put!
Meeting Minutes:
- Those Present and Apologies: Cllr. G Stewart (Chair), Cllrs P Dyas, D Gilmour, S McAllister, C Raynor. Cllrs S Olivant and R. Chetwynd-Talbot sent their regrets for not being able to join the meeting.
- Minutes of Previous Meeting: Minutes of the meeting held on 9th February 2023 were accepted unanimously as accurate and signed off.
- Responses to Matters arising from Previous Meeting Minutes:
- Land Registration: this matter is, still, on-going.
- Village Speeding: Cllr P Dyas has not yet received a response from local police.
- Salt Spreader: Please see below.
- Tennyson Plaque: Ongoing. Cllr C Raynor reported that plaque prices increase monthly; she will check exact prices for our next PC Meeting, and we will make the go-ahead decision at that time.
- Access to Menage on Main Road: LCC has approved the access; this matter is now closed.
- Councillors’ relevant required ELDC Forms: These forms have been completed and Cllr C Raynor has submitted them to the ELDC for all Councillors who wish to stand again.
- Coronation Fete Success: By all measures, the fete afternoon was enjoyed by many villagers, old and new. Full of conversation, laughter, food, contests, and music – it also provided a much-needed boost for church-roof funding. The PC gave special thanks to Cllr S McAllister for spear-heading the fete’s organizational effort.
- Specific Agenda Items to Discuss:
- Salt Spreader: Cllr Dyas has concluded the lengthy sale of the salt spreader, and the cheque has been received from buyer Mr. K Olivant. The PC offered congratulations and a thank you to Cllr P Dyas for his patience and perseverance. Related discussion ensued: It was confirmed that the LCC will not grit the roads in Benniworth. Cllr P Dyas will make sure the grit bins are full; and neighbours will grit side roads and help anyone needing extra assistance.
- Village Skip: Issues surfaced around this summer’s Skip for village use. Mr. Graham Willoughby generously helped to resolve all of these issues. Details:
- Dates: July 1 - 8
- Location: Mr. G Wlloughby will kindly “host” the skip in Spring Bottom Farm’s drive.
- Dumping issues: 1- a list of not-allowed-materials will be posted prominently before and during skip use. Mr. G Willoughby – again very kindly – offered to keep an eye out over skip activity and additions. 2- “tipping” – again, Mr. G Willoughby kindly offered to close his farm drive gate at night.
- Cost: Cllr D Gilmour will contact Riddel and possibly other waste management firms for skip size and costing.
Again, much appreciation extended to Graham Willoughby and Family.
- Progress and Update on Northern Power Installation: Cllr P Dyas reported that Northern Power will cease work on our Benniworth project during the school holidays (mid-July – end August) in order to work on another project only possible at that time. They will return to us in early September and are still scheduled to finish in September. Cllr S McAllister will contact Mr. James Cousins (Frontier) for confirmation of this info and for any new details.
- Other (Non-Agenda) Items Discussed:
- Councillor Stepping Down: Cllr D Gilmour announced that he will step down from his post. The PC expressed appreciation to Dave for his past participation and support.
- Defibrillator: Now-former Cllr D Gilmour offered to continue to support the Phone Box defibrillator. He brought to attention the fact that it will need new pads and batteries by July; the best price he has found is through LIVES (currently, £130 + VAT + postage). Updating these parts will allow the machine 2 more years of useful life; at which point, the PC will determine whether or not to replace it. Even though the defibrillator has never been used since its 2016 purchase, the decision to replace it - or not - will be taken very seriously.
- Added Councillor: Rosie Chetwynd-Talbot has agreed to join our Parish Council
- Date of next meeting:
Wednesday 16 August 2023 at 7:30 pm, held in St. Julian’s Church (subject to approval by Rev Cilla).
- Meeting closed at 8:30pm.