AGM - 12 May 2016
Annual General Meeting of Benniworth Parish Council
Thursday 12th May 2016 at Skirbeck Farm at 7.30 p.m.
Apologies: Councillor G. Stewart
Present: Councillors K. Olivant, S. Olivant, C. Raynor, I. Selby, P. Walker, F. Moon & K. Willoughby (Clerk).
5 members of the public.
Chairman’s Report: Councillor K. Olivant reported on the year. The mirror which was ask for at the end of Silver Street was not possible because it would be dangerous. The pole in Tennyson Close the lady had contacted the electricity board and if nothing was done within 2 months he would do something. The Christmas Tree proved to be successful this year it would be near the bus shelter. Telephone Box the map of the village would hopefully ready next week. Planters have been ordered. The potholes in the village the Clerk had written to say that Benniworth Parish Council would be prepared to mend. The Chairman had a phone call from the Highways and hopefully a decision would be made by July. Plans had been passed for Benniworth Grange Farms and a further applicant. The salt spreader had been used three times in the Village. The Bike Track he stated that it would be revealed in the future. Thanks was expressed to all Councillors and to Mrs. K. Willoughby Clerk.
Election of Officers: Proposal for Chairman - Cllr Selby proposed Cllr K Olivant, seconded Cllr Raynor. The Clerk asked if there were any more nominations and if Councillor K. Olivant was willing to stand. He was duly elected.
Proposal for Vice- Chairman - Councillor K. Olivant proposed Cllr Selby this was unanimously agreed.
Co-opted Councillor There is one vacancy on the Parish Council to fill.
It was proposed by Councillor I. Selby that Mrs. C. Portas stand as she has been in the village all her life. Councillor C. Raynor seconded the motion therefore Mrs. C. Portas was duly elected.
Minutes: were read and signed as correct.
Matters Arising: None
Financial Statement: Mr. Waller had yet to audit the accounts Mrs. K Willoughby (Clerk) presented the version of accounts which were proposed by Councillor K. Olivant and seconded Councillor S. Olivant. (see separate sheet).
AOB: The Chairman brought up the subject of the Clerk’s expenses which she does not claim. It was proposed that £50 would pay postage, printer cartridges etc. It was proposed by Councillor S. Olivant and seconded by Councillor F. Moon.
The Meeting Closed.