AGM - 26 May 2017
The Annual General Meeting of Benniworth Parish Council
Thursday 26th May 2017 at Skirbeck Farm at 7.30 p.m.
Apologies: were received from Councillor S. Olivant.
Present: Councillors K. Olivant, C. Raynor, P. Walker, F. Moon, C. Portais, G. Stewart. & K. Willoughby (Clerk).
7 members of the public.
Chairman’s Report: Councillor K. Olivant reported on the year. The electric pole had been removed from the garden in Tennyson Close. The salt spreader had been used twice in the village. Planning permission had been granted for a wind turbine and the plans for bungalow alterations on Meadow Lane had not been before the parish Council because he had applied three years ago and no building had been completed so he had to apply again. The Chairman explained he had spoken to Councillor Richard Fry and apologised and he was sorry if he had offended anyone. The planters around the village have been a success. Thanks to Councillor F. Moon and her husband for looking after this. Councillor F. Moon explained that the planters were now situated Panton Road and Meadow Lane and the other two were situated either side of the bench at the telephone box. The Christmas tree in the village had been well attended. The map for the telephone box is still waiting to be done and the defibrillator is not yet commissioned awaiting the electrics to been connected. Church Lane needs maintaining but the Highways have no money. Potholes are bad down Panton Road. Thanks to Neighbourhood Watch coordinators Mr. C. Raynor & Mr. G. Walker. It was noted that another coordinator was needed. It was also noted that there is a dog problem at the north end of the village. The skip was a success for the village it was decided to have one again and this to be placed at the top of the village. It was decided to obtain three quotes for skip hire. The Chairman was impressed with PC Richard Precious at the last meeting. Councillor F. Moon to obtain details of the officer at Horncaslte who deals with home visits for home safety etc. Thanks expressed to all Councillors and to Mrs. K. Willoughby Clerk.
Election of Officers: Proposal for Chairman - Councillor P. Walker proposed K Olivant and seconded by Councillor C. Raynor and Councillor G. Stewart proposed Councilor F. Moon. The Clerk asked for a seconder there been no seconder The Clerk asked if there were any more nominations and if Councillor K. Olivant was willing to stand. Votes 3 FOR 2 AGAINST. He was duly elected.
Proposal for Vice- Chairman - Councillor P. Walker proposed Councillor C. Raynor seconded Councillor C. Portas Votes 4 FOR 1 AGAINST. Councillor C. Raynor was duly elected.
Co-opted Councillor - There is one vacancy on the Parish Council to fill.
Clerk had informed East Lindsey and was waiting for the vacancy notice.
The Clerk passed a letter to Councillor F. Moon to read out. It was the resignation of Mrs. Willoughby has Clerk.
Minutes: were read and signed as correct.
Matters Arising: None
Financial Statement: Mr. Waller had audited the accounts Mrs. K Willoughby (Clerk) presented the version of accounts which were proposed by Councillor G. Stewart and seconded Councillor C. Raynor. These had to be presented to Thornton the auditors by 7th June.
Standing Orders Code of Conduct: Councillor C. Raynor had a new copy with the alterations that Alex Strickland had advised. She expressed a need for a Risk Assessment Officer be appointed. This to be look into at the next meeting. The Standing orders were unanimously agreed by the Councillors. Thanks to Councillor C. Raynor for her hard work in overseeing this.
Clerk would get them on the web -site.
AOB It was brought to the attention that someone had a bonfire and the wind changed and smoked people out. It is permissable to have a bonfire but people have to consider neighbours and residents.
Councillor K. Olivant to arrange a course on CPR and how to use the defibrillator. A leaflet to be posted to every house when date is known and also when the skip is in the village.
A meeting for the plans for a bike track on Thursday 1st June, 2017 at 7.30 p.m It was decided to let the public have 15 minutes time to air their views or ask questions. Councillor C. Raynor to Chair meeting.
Meeting Closed