AGM - 21 July 2021


Benniworth Annual Parish Meeting

Wednesday 21st July 2021 at 7.30pm



  1. Attended by: Councillor G. Stewart, Councillor D. Gilmour, Councillor K. Robson Councillor A Simpson and the Clerk.
  2. Apologies for absence: Councillor S Olivant.  
  3. The minutes of the previous AGM dated June 2020 were agreed and signed off as correct by the chairperson following a proposal by Councillor Simpson, seconded by Councillor Gilmour.
  4. The Chairperson Councillor G Stewart, presented her annual statement, recording the events, achievements and ongoing matters from the previous 12 months- see attached -The report to be posted on the village website.
  5. Councillor S. Olivant had circulated the financial report – see attached. The Annual Accounts to be placed on to the PC website.
  6. Election of Officers:

Chairman: Councillor G Stewart advised that she was willing to continue in this role for a further year, this was proposed by Councillor Simpson, seconded by Councillor Robson and agreed by all present, with no objections.

Vice Chairman: After discussion it was agreed that all remaining councillors would share the role of vice chairman and that the tasks and workload would be defrayed between them according to skills and experience.

Finance Officer: Councillor Olivant  agreed to continue as Finance Officer

Following the resignation of Cllr. Gladman earlier in the year the council has consisted of a chairman, finance officer, three councillors and a clerk. It was agreed that a further councillor be elected if possible .

Meeting closed at 7.55pm

The next PC meeting date to be advised.

Prepared by

P Dyas - Clerk to Parish Council


Cllr G Stewart - Chairperson to Parish Council