AGM - 26 April 2023
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 26th April 2023 at 7.30pm
- Attended by: Chairperson Councillor G. Stewart; and Councillors P. Dyas, D. Gilmour, S. McAllister, S. Olivant, and C. Raynor. Members of the public: Rosie Chetwyn-Talbot, Sue Cox, Jackie Hart, Sue Kerr, Ann South.
- Apologies for absence: none.
- The minutes of the previous AGM dated 22nd July 2022 were agreed and signed off as correct by the chairperson. Cllr. S. Olivant proposed the motion; Cllr. S. McAllister seconded; all Councillors agreed, with no objections.
- Chairperson Councillor G. Stewart presented her annual statement, recording the events, achievements and ongoing matters from the previous 12 month - see attached. The report to be posted on the village website.
- Councillor S. Olivant circulated the financial report – see attached. Thanks to Mr. Steve Tyerman, who has officially audited the accounts. There was brief discussion regarding the current procedure requiring two signatures for any payment (vs. online efficiency); but it was agreed that Cllr. Olivant will investigate the matter further. The Annual Accounts to be placed on to the PC website, in addition to past Annual Financial Accounts. Cllr. P. Dyas proposed the motion to accept the accounts; Cllr. C. Raynor seconded.
- Election of Officers:
Chairman: Councillor G. Stewart agreed to remain as chair.
Parish Clerk: It was agreed that all remaining councillors would continue to share the role of Parish Clerk and that the tasks and workload would continue to be defrayed between them according to skills and experience.
Responsible Finance Officer and Acting Parish Clerk: Cllr. S. Olivant agreed to continue in this role.
Cllr. C. Raynor proposed the above, and Cllr. D. Gilmour seconded.
Councillors agreed that our PC needs new (and younger!) councillors on board.
Meeting closed at 8:00 pm.
The next PC meeting date set for 17th May; Church location to be confirmed.
Prepared by |
Cllr. S. McAllister – Minutes taker for Parish Council |
Signed |
Cllr. G. Stewart - Chairperson to Parish Council |
Public Meeting:
Issues Raised:
- Ann South: Report on St. Julian’s AGM (held, 25th April 2023): There is currently no Village Church Committee (VCC) in place. The situation of Church governance and care is growing dire. Ann South asked for 2 volunteers to clean and provide flowers for the church on Sunday 7 April.
- Jackie Hart: Report on the “Freedom” Camp Site (Mr. Dean Templeton): There is now a very rustic “ablution block” in place – with shower grey water and toilet discharge being put directly into the ground. Jackie Hart has repeatedly contacted ELDC. Jackie Hart agreed to keep an eye on the situation.