Planning Application for Campsite expansion Homestead Park

Meadow lane

Benniworth Parish Council convened a meeting of the full council to discuss and consider the implications of this application.

All councillors were in unanimous agreement that the impact of this proposal on such a small community would have an enormous negative effect and wish to request that the planning authority consider the following practical and safety observations.

Benniworth is a small hamlet of some 80 properties and approx. 180 residents and has an ageing infrastructure which barely supports its current population. The parish council wish to highlight the fact that there are almost no raised and surfaced pavements alongside any roads, forcing pedestrians to walk on the roads edge as they move throughout the area. This, when combined with the inevitable additional road traffic, would make for a potentially dangerous situation for residents and visitors alike. All roads in the area and leading to it, are narrow and require vehicles to use the grass verge in order to pass each other. All roads in and around Benniworth have no speed limit therefore the national speed limit of 60mph applies. The area around Benniworth is economically reliant upon arable farming and during the summer months can get very busy with the movement of large agricultural machines operating throughout the day and night and presenting a further risk to traffic and pedestrians. The immediate area has only a few public footpaths or bridleways thereby offering only limited opportunities for walking.

The extent of the proposed expansion to the site could realistically create a situation where at peak times, the population of Benniworth could almost double overnight. The effect of this in a small hamlet with no mains sewage system or surface drainage and existing flood issues could lead to catastrophic flooding problems to roads and adjoining properties. A recent photo is attached highlighting the existing flooding problem in Meadow Lane adjacent to the proposed site.

 The Parish Council wish to also highlight the following section taken from the published ELDC Adopted Local Plan 2018 document and their strategic objectives, as this proposal fails to meet many of these objectives. (highlighted in red)

Strategic Policy 15 (SP15) – Widening the Inland Tourism and Leisure Economy

1. The Council will support quality tourism facilities and attractions where they:

• Extend and diversify the tourism and leisure economy, and

provide additional employment opportunities;

• Provide opportunities for the enjoyment of the District’s wider

countryside and historic towns and villages;

• Do not cause unacceptable harm to the landscape, biodiversity or

heritage assets;

• Are of a scale and intensity compatible with their surroundings.


In conclusion Benniworth Parish council would hope that ELDC Planning might engage further with them regarding this application to better understand their grave concerns prior to any decision being made.


For and on behalf of,

Benniworth Parish Council.