Chairmans Report_2019_2020

AGM 10th June 2020

Chairman’s Report


Since the last AGM your Council met on 4 occasions

3 Councillors resigned, Paul Willoughby, Hannah Walker and Fay Moon. I thank them all, especially Fay, for their contributions.

3 Councillors were co-opted, Adele Simpson, Jane Gladman and Jackie Hart. In early March Cllr Hart tended her resignation.

The current Councillors are SUE OLIVANT (Treasurer and Vice Chairman), DAVID GILMOUR, KEITH ROBSON, ADELE SIMPSON and JANE GLADMAN. Phil Dyas is our Parish Clerk. Their support has made my role easier and I thank you all.

Our projects in 2019/2020

-to obtain retrospective planning permission for the new Village bench. This was achieved.

-to consider the erection of a bus shelter and notice board for Silver Street area. The bus shelter was rejected due to cost. The notice board is ongoing.

-installation of a suggestion box in the bus shelter. Completed.

-to consider new road signs. The one directing to the Church has been completed. Signage for the road leading from Meadow Lane to Caistor High Street is currently under review.

-to negotiate an agreement with LCC regarding the use of the Village salt spreader. Completed

-to site a new dog waste bin in Silver street area. Ongoing

-to compile a Village emergency plan. Ongoing

One Planning Application from Mr and Mrs Temple was considered.  Details can be seen on ELDC’s planning portal.

At the commencement of Lockdown due to Corona Virus, Cllr Gilmour and myself met with Fay Moon resulting in the excellent Village support plan. My request for a volunteer to set up a Village WhatsApp group was answered by Catherine Liversley-Warne. This has enabled the Villagers to support each other and I’m sure everyone in the Village joins me in thanking Fay and Catherine for their efforts.

Gillian Stewart June 10th 2020