Annual Open Meeting - 27 May 2021


Held at the Heneage Arms Thursday 27th May 2021


Present:  Cllr S. Olivant, Cllr D. Gilmore, Cllr K Robson, Cllr G. Stewart (Chair), Cllr A. Simpson, P. Dyas (Parish Clerk) and 14 members of the public.


Cllr Stewart opened the meeting at 7.30pm and informed that the first speaker, PC Precious, was unable to attend. He had forwarded a report that was read out by Cllr Simpson. A copy this report can be found using this link - Benniworth Police Report May 2020 - May 2021. This was followed by a report by Mrs Raynor on the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. Please use this link to listen to the report - Neighbourhood Watch Report

Cllr Stewart introduced Rev Cilla Smith, Mrs Jenny Cathcart (Church Warden) and Guy Vinson (Church Treasurer). Guy outlined some of the ways the community could use the Church followed by Rev Cilla describing how other churches utilised the building as a community asset whilst still retaining a sacred space. The audio recording of these speeches can be found using these links - .St Julians Church Community_Guy Vinson & St Julians Church Community_Reverend Cilla Smith


Following a break for refreshments, the meeting was reconvened with Phil Dyas in the Chair. Phil identified the problem of drainage/flooding/potholes in Church Lane and Meadow Lane as being a priority agenda item. Other matters raised were:

1. The possibility of holding a fete/dog show/flower show

2. Replacement of the “horse” sign

3. Signage for Meadow Lane, Meadow Close and “Clickem Hill”

4. The drainage gullies on Clickem Hill

5. 30mph speed limit


The Meeting closed at 9.30pm